import "github.com/holos-run/holos/api/schema/v1alpha3"
Package v1alpha3 contains CUE definitions intended as convenience wrappers around the core data types defined in package core. The purpose of these wrappers is to make life easier for platform engineers by reducing boiler plate code and generating component build plans in a consistent manner.
- type ArgoConfig
- type Cluster
- type Fleet
- type Helm
- type Kubernetes
- type Kustomize
- type Platform
- type StandardFleets
type ArgoConfig
ArgoConfig represents the ArgoCD GitOps configuration for a Component. Useful to define once at the root of the Platform configuration and reuse across all Components.
type ArgoConfig struct {
// Enabled causes holos to render an ArgoCD Application resource for GitOps if true.
Enabled bool `cue:"true | *false"`
// ClusterName represents the cluster within the platform the Application
// resource is intended for.
ClusterName string
// DeployRoot represents the path from the git repository root to the `deploy`
// rendering output directory. Used as a prefix for the
// Application.spec.source.path field.
DeployRoot string `cue:"string | *\".\""`
// RepoURL represents the value passed to the Application.spec.source.repoURL
// field.
RepoURL string
// TargetRevision represents the value passed to the
// Application.spec.source.targetRevision field. Defaults to the branch named
// main.
TargetRevision string `cue:"string | *\"main\""`
type Cluster
Cluster represents a cluster managed by the Platform.
type Cluster struct {
// Name represents the cluster name, for example "east1", "west1", or
// "management".
Name string `json:"name"`
// Primary represents if the cluster is marked as the primary among a set of
// candidate clusters. Useful for promotion of database leaders.
Primary bool `json:"primary" cue:"true | *false"`
type Fleet
Fleet represents a named collection of similarly configured Clusters. Useful to segregate workload clusters from their management cluster.
type Fleet struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
// Clusters represents a mapping of Clusters by their name.
Clusters map[string]Cluster `json:"clusters" cue:"{[Name=_]: name: Name}"`
type Helm
Helm provides a BuildPlan via the Output field which contains one HelmChart from package core. Useful as a convenience wrapper to render a HelmChart with optional mix-in resources and Kustomization post-processing.
type Helm struct {
// Name represents the Component name.
Name string
// Version represents the chart version.
Version string
// Namespace represents the helm namespace option when rendering the chart.
Namespace string
// Resources are kubernetes api objects to mix into the output.
Resources map[string]any
// Repo represents the chart repository
Repo struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
URL string `json:"url"`
// Values represents data to marshal into a values.yaml for helm.
Values interface{} `cue:"{...}"`
// Chart represents the derived HelmChart for inclusion in the BuildPlan
// Output field value. The default HelmChart field values are derived from
// other Helm field values and should be sufficient for most use cases.
Chart core.HelmChart
// EnableKustomizePostProcessor processes helm output with kustomize if true.
EnableKustomizePostProcessor bool `cue:"true | *false"`
// KustomizeFiles represents additional files to include in a Kustomization
// resources list. Useful to patch helm output. The implementation is a
// struct with filename keys and structs as values. Holos encodes the struct
// value to yaml then writes the result to the filename key. Component
// authors may then reference the filename in the kustomization.yaml resources
// or patches lists.
// Requires EnableKustomizePostProcessor: true.
KustomizeFiles map[string]any `cue:"{[string]: {...}}"`
// KustomizePatches represents patches to apply to the helm output. Requires
// EnableKustomizePostProcessor: true.
KustomizePatches map[core.InternalLabel]any `cue:"{[string]: {...}}"`
// KustomizeResources represents additional resources files to include in the
// kustomize resources list.
KustomizeResources map[string]any `cue:"{[string]: {...}}"`
// ArgoConfig represents the ArgoCD GitOps configuration for this Component.
ArgoConfig ArgoConfig
// Output represents the derived BuildPlan for the Holos cli to render.
Output core.BuildPlan
type Kubernetes
Kubernetes provides a BuildPlan via the Output field which contains inline API Objects provided directly from CUE.
type Kubernetes struct {
// Name represents the Component name.
Name string
// Resources represents the kubernetes api objects for the Component.
Resources map[string]any
// Output represents the derived BuildPlan for the Holos cli to render.
Output core.BuildPlan
type Kustomize
Kustomize provides a BuildPlan via the Output field which contains one KustomizeBuild from package core.
type Kustomize struct {
// Name represents the Component name.
Name string
// Kustomization represents the kustomize build plan for holos to render.
Kustomization core.KustomizeBuild
// Output represents the derived BuildPlan for the Holos cli to render.
Output core.BuildPlan
type Platform
Platform is a convenience structure to produce a core Platform specification value in the Output field. Useful to collect components at the root of the Platform configuration tree as a struct, which are automatically converted into a list for the core Platform spec output.
type Platform struct {
// Name represents the Platform name.
Name string `cue:"string | *\"holos\""`
// Components is a structured map of components to manage by their name.
Components map[string]core.PlatformSpecComponent
// Model represents the Platform model holos gets from from the
// PlatformService.GetPlatform rpc method and provides to CUE using a tag.
Model structpb.Struct `cue:"{...}"`
// Output represents the core Platform spec for the holos cli to iterate over
// and render each listed Component, injecting the Model.
Output core.Platform
// Domain represents the primary domain the Platform operates in. This field
// is intended as a sensible default for component authors to reference and
// platform operators to define.
Domain string `cue:"string | *\"holos.localhost\""`
type StandardFleets
StandardFleets represents the standard set of Clusters in a Platform segmented into Fleets by their purpose. The management Fleet contains a single Cluster, for example a GKE autopilot cluster with no workloads deployed for reliability and cost efficiency. The workload Fleet contains all other Clusters which contain workloads and sync Secrets from the management cluster.
type StandardFleets struct {
// Workload represents a Fleet of zero or more workload Clusters.
Workload Fleet `json:"workload" cue:"{name: \"workload\"}"`
// Management represents a Fleet with one Cluster named management.
Management Fleet `json:"management" cue:"{name: \"management\"}"`
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